Tartan skirts for Teens. This skirt was made using an EA texture which I edited adding more pleating, expanding the band on the skirt as well as using a bow from another EA texture. Comes in 5 presets. I did 4 tartan/plaid variations of this skirt, the skirt where the pattern is is not recolorable, as well as a plain one to allow full customization. 4 presets have 2 recolorable channels (Band and bow) and the fifth has 3 recolorable channels (Band, bow and skirt.)
Available for:
Comes in both Sims3Pack and .package files.
Color channel of the pre-patterned skirt on left. (2) Color channel of the plain skirt on right. (3)
Patterns on skirts by kittenbella and Camxso @ Deviant Art
I have a (dumb) question. Do you ever need to adjust the seems for your teen outfits and if so how do you do it? I've been trying to follow tutorials for it but I'm having difficulties.